John 15--16 You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. 17 This is my command: Love each other. How can you bear fruit if there is no pruning. No one likes the pruning stage but it is necessary to get you where you are going. We sit here thinking oh there is nothing going on in my life but life hurts. You feel a tug a squezze and you say I liked that Lord. But the Lord got a bigger picture and the things He is taking away will make you stronger so the things He is going to add to your life is greater you can walk thru them. The plan of God is not easy and I am not one to sit and wait or just get a good feeling out of church I have been called to be an active member of a bigger plan than that. So when you see me and think there is no way I could go thru what she is going thru just know that every plan God has for each of us is different. The end time plan God has for me is going to be something I never expected. So what I am going thru now is a cake walk. The devil is a liar and God will get the glory.I don't know when or how but I know why. Pruning is a way God shines you up for His future. Amen
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