Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Do not be Decieved

As of today the news does not like to report the things that God is showing us in His Word things that are happening now and things to come. Israel today has been bombed and Palenstines are welding knives at people. But the one thing we need to listen to God on is in Matt. 24 five times God says do not be deceived!! How many people are going to be deceived because they don't know the Word and they don't take time to learn the Word. The US is in such a state of denial now they can't see thru the fog and sin. Sin will take you deeper than you want to go and keep you longer than you want to stay. God is saying wake up people of God. See the judgement of the Lord is so close. Share these blogs with all the people you know and lets get ready for whatever comes our way.  Let Jesus be your Savior and you soon coming King.