Thanks to Darwin Barton
My husband loves to watch the GS Warriours on Directv. I am not a huge fan of spectator sports, but I do like to watch basketball. I’m not sure if it is because I understand the rules or like the fast pace of basketball. My husband is a native Californian and loves any professional team that hails from his home state. He is often torn between watching the Warriors and the Lakers. Deep down, I know he prefers the Warriours because he is always a fan of the underdog. I also think that he favors them because their color scheme is a little more his style. I don’t think that I have ever seen him wear purple. I think he also may be partial to Oakland’s team because he loves the Bay Area and grew up only about an hour away. He always tells people who aren’t from the area that there is just something “special” about San Fransico. Los Angeles has never really been his scene. My favorite team is the Lakers. My reasoning? I have always looked good in purple!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Highways and Hedges

I love blogging and facebook it gives me oppurniuty to talk to my followers about Jesus. See I have been in a lot of places riding a Harley and the Lord always opens up the door for a lot of ministry. When you rub elbows with people that don't know Jesus it is worth the ride. I have seen things that most people would never go into. But the door opens and I am in. You don't have to open your mouth or tatoo Jesus on your body all you have to do is follow the Holy Spirit as He takes you into what He has prepared for you. Unless the spirit prepares the way I am not going because on my own I would fall flat of my face.
We can always try to make something happen but God is a gentleman and He will let you go then you have to back track and get back in the saddle then follow not lead. When our patience gets to us and we are tires of waiting that is when we mess up right. So the next time yoou see a big door open on a small hinge walk thru it because on the other side it is worth the ride.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
A Book

I wrote a book in 2009 Jesus a Yankee a Rebel and a Harley. I have posted the book cover and the 167 pages inside this book will take you on a journey with me that changed my life and will impact yours. You can order it from Amazon, books a Million, and many other places. Google Jacqueline Oravetz and order today my story has bikes friends and Jesus. I would never change a thing. Thanks
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Time stood still
Time goes by so fast sometimes I wish we could slow it down just a little bit. I have thought of being a 5 year old child and time stood still we did not know the difference in am and pm because we didn't have to worry like kid's do today. We knew when it was time to eat and we knew when it got dark we had to go in the house. We had no idea if we were rich or poor and it did not matter anyway. We knew we were taken care of and that our needs were met. We never worried about the TV or the news. When we all got together it was like time stood still because we had so much fun with out any kind of pressure and we did not want it to end.
I wonder when Jesus took our place on the cross if time stood still. He did all that so we would not have to. When I got saved and was immature in the Lord it was like being a child again. You don't worry about tomorrow because you Heaven is real. As you grow in the Lord and time goes on we need to hold on to that first love the Lord had for us and we had for Him. When you spend time with the Lord at that minute in time it is just you and Him and time stands still. Take time today to listen for His voice and spend time with Him.
I wonder when Jesus took our place on the cross if time stood still. He did all that so we would not have to. When I got saved and was immature in the Lord it was like being a child again. You don't worry about tomorrow because you Heaven is real. As you grow in the Lord and time goes on we need to hold on to that first love the Lord had for us and we had for Him. When you spend time with the Lord at that minute in time it is just you and Him and time stands still. Take time today to listen for His voice and spend time with Him.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
If anyone would like for my husband Pastor Dan to come to your area or church for revival get in touch with me on this site. It is time for revival to come to America in a powerful way. Tent revivals or inside the church does not matter. He has preached all over the US. In these last days we need strenght and faith to make it thru and the power of God. Don't miss a chance to shake hell and see Heaven come to Earth. Here is a viedo of a few minutes from Sunday.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

John 15--16 You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. 17 This is my command: Love each other. How can you bear fruit if there is no pruning. No one likes the pruning stage but it is necessary to get you where you are going. We sit here thinking oh there is nothing going on in my life but life hurts. You feel a tug a squezze and you say I liked that Lord. But the Lord got a bigger picture and the things He is taking away will make you stronger so the things He is going to add to your life is greater you can walk thru them. The plan of God is not easy and I am not one to sit and wait or just get a good feeling out of church I have been called to be an active member of a bigger plan than that. So when you see me and think there is no way I could go thru what she is going thru just know that every plan God has for each of us is different. The end time plan God has for me is going to be something I never expected. So what I am going thru now is a cake walk. The devil is a liar and God will get the glory.I don't know when or how but I know why. Pruning is a way God shines you up for His future. Amen
Monday, July 4, 2011
“Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people he chose for his inheritance.” Psalm 33:12 Today was a good day July 4 is always a freedom day. Our fore fathers set the way for us to live in a democracy. We can make our decisions we can work without anyone telling us where to work. We can shop and eat at anytime we want to. We can love who ever we want to. We can live where ever we want to. But even with all this freedom I have one question to really ask you. Are you free I am talking about free spiritually are you free indeed?
As christians we live in a Kingdom we have a King that sets the pace for us. Even though we live in this world we are not of this world. We are more than just free. Jesus died for our sins so we could live life and live it in abundance. That does not mean money abundance it means in Jesus Christ. I can say with out a doubt I am in the way the Lord is taking me. I have heard it preached so many times how do you know you are in the will of God. Because I hear His voice and I follow where ever He leads. Life would be nothing without gudiance and direction from the one that breaths the breath of life in you. We would be nothing without Him.
Sometimes we take things for grante we look around and everthing is at our finger tips. We don't have to worry about food to eat or clothes to wear we have access to computers and books and wisdom, knowledge that we will ever need. But what we do with it is the question. What are you doing with your life? are you walking in the ways of the Lord. If not there are ways to make it right. Call on His name today and see the move of God in your life like never before.
As christians we live in a Kingdom we have a King that sets the pace for us. Even though we live in this world we are not of this world. We are more than just free. Jesus died for our sins so we could live life and live it in abundance. That does not mean money abundance it means in Jesus Christ. I can say with out a doubt I am in the way the Lord is taking me. I have heard it preached so many times how do you know you are in the will of God. Because I hear His voice and I follow where ever He leads. Life would be nothing without gudiance and direction from the one that breaths the breath of life in you. We would be nothing without Him.
Sometimes we take things for grante we look around and everthing is at our finger tips. We don't have to worry about food to eat or clothes to wear we have access to computers and books and wisdom, knowledge that we will ever need. But what we do with it is the question. What are you doing with your life? are you walking in the ways of the Lord. If not there are ways to make it right. Call on His name today and see the move of God in your life like never before.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Today is the Rest of your Life
Well here we are agin bombs going off all over the world people dying for our freedom other people dying because they worship other Gods that they think if they die for the cause oh well it ain't happening for them. When this life is over I wonder when people stand before a true and living God what they will do when He says depart I never knew you. If I have to get saved everyday until Jesus comes back I will do it because when I stand before Him I will be in the glory of a true God. With my head bowed begging for mercy just like everyone else. No sin is greater than the other. So Lord forgive for saying the wrong thing today. What will it be tomorrow could be to the point where there is no freedom. Could be the day of judgement. What will you do.
An astroid came so close to earth yesterday it shook the sound barrier. 7500 miles the size of a house. You think maybe God could be warning us because evrything that has been out there all these years is getting closer evryday. Time just keeps on ticking, ticking, ticking h that was a song. The Word of God Says Genesis 6:5The LORD saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time.What do you think the Lord sees now. Wow must be ashamed the human race has lost it's mind.
The Lord put us here to multiply and everyone wants to marry their own kind. I think the human race would be gone in a hundred years. There is no way to multiply when man is with man and women is with women. It is a sad day to me when they take my God out of everything that is done. We all know it is going to get worse. Jesus is coming soon and we need to be ready. When you think you have another day oh well that might not happen. You are probably asking yourself why is she so doom and gloom. I not I am in love with the Savior and my hearts desire is that no one perish. So if anything I can say will help I am letting it out. God is all about family and we are all in one family so take a look at your life evryday and ask your self am I ready for the return of Jesus or if my heart stop beating today would I go to Heaven easy question and your choice. Make it good and move on for the Lord. Amen
An astroid came so close to earth yesterday it shook the sound barrier. 7500 miles the size of a house. You think maybe God could be warning us because evrything that has been out there all these years is getting closer evryday. Time just keeps on ticking, ticking, ticking h that was a song. The Word of God Says Genesis 6:5The LORD saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time.What do you think the Lord sees now. Wow must be ashamed the human race has lost it's mind.
The Lord put us here to multiply and everyone wants to marry their own kind. I think the human race would be gone in a hundred years. There is no way to multiply when man is with man and women is with women. It is a sad day to me when they take my God out of everything that is done. We all know it is going to get worse. Jesus is coming soon and we need to be ready. When you think you have another day oh well that might not happen. You are probably asking yourself why is she so doom and gloom. I not I am in love with the Savior and my hearts desire is that no one perish. So if anything I can say will help I am letting it out. God is all about family and we are all in one family so take a look at your life evryday and ask your self am I ready for the return of Jesus or if my heart stop beating today would I go to Heaven easy question and your choice. Make it good and move on for the Lord. Amen
Friday, June 24, 2011
It Don't Get Any Better Than This
Psalm 147 1 Praise the LORD How good it is to sing praises to our God, how pleasant and fitting to praise him! 2 The LORD builds up Jerusalem; he gathers the exiles of Israel. 3 He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. 4 He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name. 5 Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit. 6 The LORD sustains the humble but casts the wicked to the ground.When I got up this morning the Lord has had me in Psalms all week He will not let me turn away from it. After the day I had yesterday He is try to show me how much He loves me. I do not doubt His love sometimes we just have a bad week. right. The last 5 psalms has Praise the Lord at the start. But if you read on you can see how much He loves us and how blessed we are. He has so much power He even named the stars. I don't know of any false God that has power to are the ability to name a star do you? So today when you think you can't do this anymore grasb your Bible and just read how much Jesus loves you and how He will take care of all your needs. My goal is to tell people Jesus loves you and will never forsake you. Amen
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
What a Day
Did you ever get up in the morning and say to your self this is going to be a good or else. So many people now are hurting in so many ways wvwrything you hear on tv. on the radio or someone life is bad news. One day I would like to hear good good news how about you? Many days has passed and I look back and say where did time go. Seems like time is going so fast we have no time for each other are friends and family. When I go to work I hear so much information and people around me talking about so many different things. They talk of their problems and sickness. They talk about what is going to happen in the future and about the ways things are in our world today. But one day I would love to hear only good things and happiness.
I know there is a way to fill your heart with happiness and goodness and it is Jesus. When I got up this morning I picked up my Bible and there it was how much God loves me how He only has our good in His heart for us. I read aboutour lives are in His hands and He will take us from glory to glory. I read about His thoughts are on us. His mercy will never fail. I read about a place He has prepared for us and we will never cry again. I read how He died on the cross for us and died then rose again. I read about the comfortor He left for us and He will never leave us alone. I read about He knows ever hair on our heads and He knew you even before you were born. I read if you call on His name He will answer you. I read about the battles He fights for you everyday. I read about His promises and He will always see them thru. I read about how I was made in His imagine and how He will see me thru the valleys and set my feet on a rock. I read about how the struggles of life makes us stronger. I read about the many ways and times He has protected us. The reason I put all of what I read is because it out ways all the woes of life. So in the morning when you get up thank the Lord for a good day He has made for you. Thanks Him for saving your soul and setting you free. I think the Lord can take care of all the bad things and turn them for His good. Amen
I know there is a way to fill your heart with happiness and goodness and it is Jesus. When I got up this morning I picked up my Bible and there it was how much God loves me how He only has our good in His heart for us. I read aboutour lives are in His hands and He will take us from glory to glory. I read about His thoughts are on us. His mercy will never fail. I read about a place He has prepared for us and we will never cry again. I read how He died on the cross for us and died then rose again. I read about the comfortor He left for us and He will never leave us alone. I read about He knows ever hair on our heads and He knew you even before you were born. I read if you call on His name He will answer you. I read about the battles He fights for you everyday. I read about His promises and He will always see them thru. I read about how I was made in His imagine and how He will see me thru the valleys and set my feet on a rock. I read about how the struggles of life makes us stronger. I read about the many ways and times He has protected us. The reason I put all of what I read is because it out ways all the woes of life. So in the morning when you get up thank the Lord for a good day He has made for you. Thanks Him for saving your soul and setting you free. I think the Lord can take care of all the bad things and turn them for His good. Amen
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Prayer from Dad
Good morning to everyone I have been gone for a while. Our son came home from Kuwait and we have been spending time with him. Between working and keep the family going in different ways takes a lot of time. But all is well in the Oravetz home and we are just loving Jesus more everyday.
Sitting on the beach this week I had time to think and I read something that I had thought about many times. In the race of life sometimes we forget the things we have learned about the Lord or we just get so caught up in the fast pace we don't think about it. Sometimes life can make you weary but we are human with the Spirit of the Lord living inside of us. Amen
Jesus is always their and He is our Heavenly Father. If He sent you a letter from Heaven this might be some things He would say.
Good morning daughter you look lovely today. I have been waiting to spend some time with you and you are always so busy. I just want you to know today that you are the apple of My eye. You were formed so perfectly and I knew you before your mothers womb. My intentions for you have always been good, loving and for you to have the best that I have for you. I have a hope and a future for you that exceeds anything you could ever imagine. You don't see the things I see after all I am God and I know the end of your life to the begining. I have ordered every step you have ever taken I will let no harm come to you and I will pick you up in My arms when you fall. I have always told you in Jer. 33-3 to call unto me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things you know nothing about. Sometimes I speak to you and you are busy but I know you hear me and even tho thoughts are racing thru your head about how things in your life is going to work deep down in your heart you know I am in control of your life and I as your Father I will see you thru because I only have good things for My child. I watched you grow and become a wabbling child learning to walk you made me so proud. I watched you start school and become the most wonderful little daughter I could ever have. Then you grew just like I planned it and went to high school with all the problems and woe of become a teenager you were a little awkward but I gave you confidence in your self and you grew. Then as you left high school I watched you become a beautiful woman then I prepared a family for you. I know you think you made your own decisions but it was Me all the time. Then you had the children I formed for you I put them in your care because I knew with Me beside you for this time you are the best Mother for them. I taught you love and understanding for your children then I showed you the ways of the Lord to teach them. What a great daughter you have been I have watched you grow in the Gifts of God I left for you. The Holy Spirit has taught you well and He has guided you while I was gone. But my Spirit is beside you every minute of everyday. Don't worry baby I know the hurts and pains I know the needs and the thoughts. I know what you are going thru but I love you so much it want last long it is just a test and I will make it all better just for you. I must go now but I love you and the Words I left for you to live by will prick your heart and give you revelation until I come back and pick you up. So take life as a gift and hold your head up walk in my ways and Dad will see you soon. Love you your Father in Heaven.
Sitting on the beach this week I had time to think and I read something that I had thought about many times. In the race of life sometimes we forget the things we have learned about the Lord or we just get so caught up in the fast pace we don't think about it. Sometimes life can make you weary but we are human with the Spirit of the Lord living inside of us. Amen
Jesus is always their and He is our Heavenly Father. If He sent you a letter from Heaven this might be some things He would say.
Good morning daughter you look lovely today. I have been waiting to spend some time with you and you are always so busy. I just want you to know today that you are the apple of My eye. You were formed so perfectly and I knew you before your mothers womb. My intentions for you have always been good, loving and for you to have the best that I have for you. I have a hope and a future for you that exceeds anything you could ever imagine. You don't see the things I see after all I am God and I know the end of your life to the begining. I have ordered every step you have ever taken I will let no harm come to you and I will pick you up in My arms when you fall. I have always told you in Jer. 33-3 to call unto me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things you know nothing about. Sometimes I speak to you and you are busy but I know you hear me and even tho thoughts are racing thru your head about how things in your life is going to work deep down in your heart you know I am in control of your life and I as your Father I will see you thru because I only have good things for My child. I watched you grow and become a wabbling child learning to walk you made me so proud. I watched you start school and become the most wonderful little daughter I could ever have. Then you grew just like I planned it and went to high school with all the problems and woe of become a teenager you were a little awkward but I gave you confidence in your self and you grew. Then as you left high school I watched you become a beautiful woman then I prepared a family for you. I know you think you made your own decisions but it was Me all the time. Then you had the children I formed for you I put them in your care because I knew with Me beside you for this time you are the best Mother for them. I taught you love and understanding for your children then I showed you the ways of the Lord to teach them. What a great daughter you have been I have watched you grow in the Gifts of God I left for you. The Holy Spirit has taught you well and He has guided you while I was gone. But my Spirit is beside you every minute of everyday. Don't worry baby I know the hurts and pains I know the needs and the thoughts. I know what you are going thru but I love you so much it want last long it is just a test and I will make it all better just for you. I must go now but I love you and the Words I left for you to live by will prick your heart and give you revelation until I come back and pick you up. So take life as a gift and hold your head up walk in my ways and Dad will see you soon. Love you your Father in Heaven.
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